When you need emergency help for alcoholism

Acute intoxication is poisoning with a large dose of alcohol. It occurs with a single large dose of alcohol, taking surrogate alcohol, after a long binge, when the amount of ethanol in the blood reaches a critical point. Acute intoxication can be distinguished from an ordinary hangover by the following symptoms:

Severe, persistent vomiting;
loss of consciousness;
pale skin and excessive sweating;
shortness of breath.

If the drinker shows signs of intoxication, it is necessary to seek medical help immediately. No medications should be given to the patient before the arrival of the doctor, because many medications are incompatible with alcohol. And the wrong dosage can lead to death.

In case of intoxication you should immediately consult a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, the patient should be placed on his side so that he does not choke on the vomit. Do not try to sober the person up with a contrast shower or cold water, as this may lead to a heart attack. The person should not be left unattended and should preferably not be allowed to sleep.

With alcoholic intoxication, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins as soon as possible. This is done by infusion, since in acute poisoning it is impossible to take medication by mouth because of severe vomiting and the general condition of the patient. When administered intravenously, the medications work within an hour, and the person’s condition improves. Several types of medications are used:

Detox solutions;
vitamin complex;
antiemetics, anticonvulsants;

The composition of the drip is determined depending on the condition of the patient. If it is severe, the person is unconscious or has fallen into an alcoholic coma, hospitalization will be required. In such a case, detoxification is carried out in the hospital with the help of hardware techniques – plasmapheresis, hemosorption. If qualified help is not provided in time with acute alcohol intoxication, the person may fall into a coma or die.

With alcohol intoxication, coordination of movements is impaired, which leads to various physical injuries. Alcohol dulls the pain sensations, so the person does not immediately realize that he or she has been injured. Failure to provide timely care can cause complications up to and including death. If an alcoholic has been injured, it is not a good idea to self-medicate. It is difficult for a person without medical training to assess the severity of the injury, so it is better to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

White fever (alcoholic delirium)
White fever is a mental disorder that forms for 2-3 days after cessation of alcohol intake. Usually psychosis develops in the last stages of addiction. The main symptoms of delirium are:

Anxiety, inexplicable feelings of fear, which are manifested mainly at night;
Mood swings from euphoria to depression;
shallow sleep, which is accompanied by nightmarish dreams;
realistic visual hallucinations while awake;
tremors of limbs and increased sweating.

In white fever, the patient’s auditory and visual hallucinations are very realistic. They cause such a strong sense of fear that the person may commit suicide. When symptoms of delirium appear, a doctor should be called immediately. Psychosis is treated exclusively in a clinical setting. Before the doctor arrives, first aid should be given – fix the patient on a horizontal surface for convulsions. If the person behaves aggressively, he or she should be restrained so that he or she does not harm himself or others. Sedatives and sleeping pills should not be given without a doctor’s prescription.

Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Ketoacidosis is a pathology that occurs when alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach. It develops after 3-5 days of drinking alcohol without water or food. The body does not receive the necessary nutrients, which accelerates the absorption of alcohol. As a result, the metabolism is disturbed. This leads to excessive formation of ketone bodies, disrupts the production of glucose and causes the disease. Usually the disease is formed on the background of gastritis, pancreatic pathologies.